Donate Now!
South Herts and Edgware Masorti is a registered charity.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on membership fees and donations to cover costs such as employees’ salaries, building costs and ongoing events and supplies.
Payments can be made by:
• Cash: please make an appointment with Linda in the office on 020 8905 4096 or by email:
• Bank Transfer: The synagogue’s account is with Barclays:
Bank Account No: 40322083
Sort Code: 20-29-37
Referencing the reason for payment (e.g. oneg, tu bishvat, shabaton, kol nidrei appeal, etc.)
We highly recommend emailing the office to let us know this has been done.
• Cheque: You can either book an appointment with the office, or send us a letter by post to:
South Herts & Edgware Masorti
Stream Lane
We thank you for your continued support!