Lifecycle Events
Lifecycle events are moments that mark our lives and we seek to celebrate these moments with our congregants in the most meaningful way possible. Combining tradition and modern (and personal!) touches, we seek to create ceremonies worthy of being once in a lifetime events.

Just brought a new life to the world? MAZAL TOV! If it’s a boy, we can help you organize his Brit Milah, from the mohel to the catering. If he is a first-born, then a Pidyon Haben ceremony might be in order. Is it a girl? Brucha Haba’ah! We can propose different ways to welcome her into the covenant of Israel. Please contact the office by clicking on the link below for help in organising these events.

B'nei Mitzvah Programme
A boy becomes a Bar Mitzvah at age 13 and a girl becomes Bat Mitzvah at age 12 or 13 whether they have had a ceremony to mark the moment, or not. At SHEMA, we see this as an opportunity to deepen the commitment of our youngsters with Judaism and their own identity. Our exciting year programme includes group lessons, family activities, field trips and much more. Our students arrive to their ceremony fully prepared and aware of the meaning and challenges of becoming a Jewish teenager in the 21st Century. For more info, check out our B'nei Mitzvah page or email the office by selecting the appropriate link below.

The building of a “New Home for Israel” is a most joyous occasion, full of hopes and dreams for the future. A shared life, a shared love. At SHEMA we combine a traditional wedding with the possibility of adding elements that will personalise the ceremony and make it entirely your own. The happy couple should meet with our rabbi a few times as they build together the exact wedding ceremony they want. Weddings can take place inside our sanctuary as well, should you consider using our beautiful building as your venue. For more information, contact the office by clicking on the link below and request an appointment.

Judaism has always seen as a blessing the incorporation of proselytes to the Jewish People that are honestly willing to join us and take upon themselves the commandments and traditions of the faith of Israel. In coordination with the European Masorti Bet Din, headed by Rabbi Chaim Weiner, we offer a conversion programme that will prepare a candidate with the basic information needed to present themselves to the Bet Din and join the Jewish People. This preparation usually takes about a year, but is discussed between the candidate and the rabbi personally. If you want more information about conversion through SHEMA please contact the office. You are also welcome to learn more about conversion from the website of the European Masorti Bet Din by clicking on the link below.

Death and Mourning
Judaism gives much importance to the respect and dignity of a person that passes away. Our rituals and ceremonies are designed both to honour the dead as well as help the mourners to deal with their grief and prepare to carry on with life without their loved one. At SHEMA we will help you to organize and perform all aspects of the mourning process: the levoyah (funeral), shivah, shloshim, giluy matzevah (stonesetting) and the yearly yartzeit (anniversary of death). If you have suffered the loss of a dear one please contact the office via email or call us on 020 8905 4096. Out of office hours or for urgent queries call David on 07730 200792. Alternatively, you can contact the JJBS directly. Most of our ceremonies take place at the Western Cemetery in Cheshunt. Please click on any of the links below for more information.